Old-age Security Model

Old-age Security ModelOld-age Security Model
  1. The third part analyzes the status of old-age security model in Chinese city .


  2. There are many difficulties in establishing an integration old-age security model in China at present .


  3. This path dependence has contributed to the optimum composition of all kind of old-age security model in the new social transition period .


  4. The conclusions of this paper : underdeveloped rural areas empty nester pension needs to build a plurality of old-age security model .


  5. According to the operation environment , we can divide the 31 provinces ( autonomous region , municipality ) of China into three types of rural old-age security model areas .


  6. This makes the traditional old-age security model and changing external environment become increasingly incompatible , resulting in a system of non-equilibrium , and become the inducement of system innovation .


  7. The third part of the construction of new agricultural insurance pilot in Hebei Province by Germany , Sweden , Japan , the United States four national old-age security model , conclude that the revelation of the reference .


  8. On this basis , through the new farmers to participate in social pension insurance economic feasibility analysis , choice of Shaanxi rural old-age security model should be " community-based old-age insurance , the family pension , supplemented by " a new type of rural social endowment support mode .
